

Solar Panel Window Blinds That Will Generate Energy

Window blinds

How would you block the harsh sun from entering your room? You may be thinking of blinds. The conventional blinds have leapfrogged to solar-panel-window-blinds, which can harness the sun’s rays to generate energy and reduce energy bills by 70%.

This new trend of solar smart blinds can track the sun’s angle throughout the day and produce clean electricity for home or office. The panels available in the market are featured in saving energy while blocking the sun’s rays and reducing air conditioning costs by around 40%. The solar panels can reportedly generate around 100 to 150 watts of renewable energy per 10 square feet of a window. This energy can power around 30 LED light bulbs or three MacBooks. Any traditional three-room apartment with south-facing windows can produce around 600 watt-hours or around four kilowatts of energy per day. In an office space or retail space, there would be a possibility to generate 10 times more. Any leftover energy could either be stored for later use or sold to the electricity company and even be sent back to the grid.

Features to look out for from the solar window panel blinds:

The solar window panel blinds are efficient and customizable. The blinds could also be integrated with smart devices like Google Home and controlled by voice and temperature via a smartphone app.

The smart motorized blinds:

The motorized blinds can be mounted either inside or outside the home. The angle and positioning of the blinds can be controlled through an app and has a setting that can automatically optimize the angle according to the sun. The blinds reportedly have a lifespan of 25-years and can produce 100 watt-hours of electricity per day, or around 50 watt-hours per day when installed inside. The blinds are made of aluminium and can function as privacy shades and also protect windows during storms.

The installation is easy, and customers can also consider doing it themselves. The blinds available in the market are designed to fit a broad range of windows and be custom-sized.

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