Best Articles on Solar Power
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IKEA has powered up its Covina store in California using solar energy panels installed by Gloria Solar.
Dubai’s parks will soon run on solar power in the near future if the words of Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality are to be believed.
It’s great to know that industrial typhoon (like Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.) has got a huge success, particularly in the field of alternative energy by coming up with an idea of spray-on solar power technology.
U.S. plans one more step ahead to cut down the energy consumption. A group of businesses including Lockheed Martin and Barclays bank push the plan forward by investing as much as $650 million which will span over next few years, to minimise the energy consumption of buildings in the Miami and Sacramento areas.
It’s great to know that NPL (the National Physical Laboratory) scientists have archived a milestone in the metrology of photovoltaics – a solar power technology.
The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon competes collegiates against each other to create cost-effective, energy-efficient solar powered homes.
Until 2013, the US photovoltaic (PV) market will develop into the largest market for annual PV installations. If the favorable circumstances prevail, then it will overtake Germany, Japan and Italy.
Solyndra LLC has filed papers declaring bankruptcy despite Obama administration announcing a half billion federal stimulus to the solar panel maker in an aim to decrease dependency on foreign shores.
All of us know that solar is a clean energy industry and countries all over the world are turning to solar. However it is not generally known that the batteries used in solar cause lead pollution.