Best Articles on Solar Power
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For the first time ever, General Electric plans to use integrated solar thermal and wind energy for constructing a power station. The power station proposed would be much more efficient and
The largest rooftop project in U.S. Project Amp have received one of the largest loan guarantees from US DOE to install solar panels on industrial buildings across the country.
Google Inc. has planned to invest $280 million in residential solar panels. To encourage dependency on renewable source of energy, Google has taken an initial step so that other companies can also follow to prevent environmental pollution.
Alternative sources of energy are being explored to meet the future demand in energy. Solar energy is currently the most promising source. In fact, it is touted as a competitor to fossil fuels in the years ahead.
Consisting of America’s electric utilities and solar companies, Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) has released its latest report in which its research has revealed that utilities are increasingly expanding their solar power generation portfolios.
Solar energy is a renewable source of energy available in plenty of amounts. With increasing awareness, many new buildings are designed to use most sunlight so that they can complete the energy requirements. This natural resource is used as passive solar heating and daylighting.
Waste Management, Inc. have recently announced the SmartEnergy(SM) Compactor to help businesses cut down costs, reduce carbon footprints and meet their sustainability goals more competently.
The Discovery Magnet School in Bridgeport, Connecticut is a symbol of green design and a step in preventing the environment. Built by the American Solar & Alternative Power, the school consists of the photovoltaic rooftop solar system with a capacity of capturing 85% of the sun’s energy.
American Vision® Solar Power Purchase Agreement is taking steps in portraying solar energy as affordable with an excellent return on investment.